How to get a job in UK from India 2024 | Complete journey From India to UK

Step 1

Hi, welcome to my Website The Sevengers Many people doubt how much total time it takes to get a job in the UK, make a visa, and come to the UK and what is the process in between. so, today I am gonna share my journey. I came to the UK at 18th May 2021 It was time for the second wave of COVID. So, my journey was full of struggle, It wasn't easy at all. So today I am going to share all the steps with you When did I start applying for a job, when did I apply for a visa and when did I come here? I didn't use any agency So I did not take the help of any agent and did the complete process by myself From applying for a job to getting a visa and booking flight tickets to reaching the UK, 

The first step is You have to find a sponsored job. Job Search I started applying for Jobs from August- September I applied to many companies in the UK and I got a response in October, then after the response, the next step is to get a job letter UK Job offer letter in November, and my Interview process went on. In December end, I got a mail that I am selected. So this complete process - how to find a job, how to apply for a job, I am not going into detail now because I have already written article jobs in the UK. 

Step 2

 in case you want to know how I searched job here. By December end I got my job letter so after that you have to give a date when you can join the company So as if I didn't have any document ready to apply for a visa Decide a joining date So, checked the VISA rules, and I inform them that I will join after 5 months, so I gave them a date in May. on the basis of this date They provide a letter and that letter is a Cos letter(Certificate of Sponsorship). 

Certificate of sponsorship We have to give the date because according to this date, they provide us Cos letter. That letter has validity Suppose, the validity of that letter is three months. If they gave us that letter and within three months we didn't apply for a visa So that letter is not valid after that. So, whatever date you have to give, think a little. then the next step is IELTS. 

UK English Skill Proof test and I booked an IELTS test for January Got the earliest test date for Feb, I did IELTS Exam on the 4th Feb. After that I got IELTS result in 15-20 days that I qualified, Now I had to prepare all the documents which would be useful for my visa. So I wanted to make my PCC certificate, then went to make my PCC certificate, so maybe that too took 20-25 days then the next step is Medical reports. So, for the UK, no big medical test has to be done and only The tb test is mandatory this test is done in a single day. 

Step 3

Actually, your result will come in a few hours. UK Visa applies After that your time comes to apply for a visa then all documents in my march Were ready. My English test result was ready. There was a PCC certificate, there was a TB report and the rest were other documents. When I got ready with all the documents then at the end of March 2021 I applied for a visa while applying for a visa, you have to go to a UK government official to apply for the visa. VISA application process I will make a separate video of it. If you are interested you can go and have a look. So after applying for a visa, you have to give biometrics And the documents have to be verified by going there, so I made an appointment for that too.

 I got the dates for April initial. well at that time COVID time was going on. Luckily, I got dates and I went on April's initial dates and gave my biometrics, then what happens there? It is a very simple process. You have to carry your original documents. They verify the documents and take your biometrics and collect your passport and the passport is delivered to your house.

 So when you come to home after completing this process, then comes the heartbeat high time. , I used to dream of visa rejection at night, then he gets stuck here for 15-20 days. , Those who have applied for a visa can understand my situation. Then 15-20 days later my result came. 

I think 15 April, 15-16 April 2021 VISA decision & Vignette sticker mean my result came out and yes, my visa has come with approval, so what actually happens? Getting a visa means your passport will come with one vignette sticker.

The validity period is written in the vignette stamp, so I had a validity period from the first of May to 30th July 2021 and this date Means the validity of that sticker of mine is just three months and within these three months I have to land in the UK and if I can't come to the UK within three months So that visa of mine will be invalid.

Step 4

Then, I have to do the whole process again. now came Then, came the most stressful time because I resigned from my current job and the last date of my job was 20 April 2021 It was my farewells that day. I Left for home and on reaching home a day later news came that from 23 April 2021, UK banned to Indian people So the condition had worsened completely.

 I booked the flight ticket just after I got my visa decision yes I forgot one step that when your visa result comes then after that you have to book a flight then my visa Flight Booking - UK bans India due to covid The VISA result had come. like i told you in mid April so I accordingly my flight was done. I had flown them in two or three , But April means there was a lot of tension because on that day such News came that the UK has banned India.

 COVID's second wave is at peak. There was an atmosphere of tension everywhere Then AirIndia cancelled my flight too. and my vignette sticker date starts on 1st May. considering starting date I did my flight on the 3rd of May or the 4th of May. So, It was stressful time for me because I was jobless, and on top of that, if I do not reach within those three months, then I will have to do all the process again. So what after that? After that, I was at home for 15-20 days then after staying 15 to 20 days Around the 10th and 11th day, I started calling airlines, watching news channels, and many such things. & started trying everything whether there is any alternative option or not. so after that It came in the news that, yes, Air India has started some flights and those who have a residency permit, they can only fly to the UK. When you come to the UK, after that you have to collect BRP from here. Have to do Biometric Residence Permit. Airlines rescheduled my ticket 3rd time and then Got tickets for 18th May. But before that there was a condition that all the I had to do institutional quarantine people coming for India. they have to do institutional quarantine. 

That too for 10 days. And there is a condition in this that during the 10 days of institutional quarantine You will have a covid test on the 8th day and Only then can you leave. If any one time, 8th or 10th time if your test result come positive then again you have to pay 1,750 pounds and you have to stay again for 10 days. So now the time had come to decide whether I should go or not. I thought let's take the risk because I just had no option so I took the risk. I went Yes, you will not believe it; during the whole nine-hour flight So I was wearing 3 masks and during the whole time I didn't open even a single mask. and when I Arrived at Heathrow Airport. After the arrival at the airport, There were many people. We were all taken to their respective hotel and The whole process was a bit slow because COVID hotchpotch was going on, so people Wasn't able to manage well, so I landed at London Heathrow airport at 7. 30am in the morning afterward, we got the bus again, the bus dropped everyone at their respective hotels. so many people were there. There were many people on the bus, All the people were taken to their assigned hotels and me too. It's evening while doing all this and, I was so worried about covid that if I test positive then I Will have to stay again for 10 days. because, You had to pay so many fees:( While paying so many fees, zero balance came into my bank account. 

 My one year's savings were all over So I was like I don't want anything. Not because my health will be bad. Because man, I will not be able to afford it again. So I didn't even drink water for that many hours. So I neither opened my mask nor drank water. In the evening I reached my hotel. I was quarantined in a hotel in London. When I reached that hotel, I breathed a sigh of relief. Freshened up and I reached my hotel in London then I drank water so yes, it was a a little bit because of the covid situation. I was happy that I reached and after that the last step is the company joining I joined online on 25th May. staying in the hotel. So this was my whole story. If you like this video please like and If you have any doubt in any step or want to know anything else, then you can comment in the comment section. I will see you in another video till then bye-bye.

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